Virtual School Victoria

What is VSV?


Virtual School Victoria is the state's leading virtual school, offering around 300 courses online, including VCE subjects. With over 4,000 students from Foundation to Year 12, more students study at VSV than any other school in Victoria.

Our cohort is both diverse and unique.

We provide education to:

  • school-based students who don't have access to the courses they need in their own school
  • those with medical, physical or social and emotional needs that make it difficult for them to attend mainstream schooling
  • elite young sportspeople and athletes
  • children and young people unable to attend school due to travelling
  • young adults wishing to complete their education in a way that they find engaging
  • rural and regional young people who cannot easily attend a local school

In addition to offering a host of teaching and learning courses approved by the VCAA, our specialist teachers provide students with individualised learning and support. They help them to prepare well for university and higher learning

They are dedicated to building the confidence and resilience of each and every student. Like any school, our teachers support and interact with students daily, but they do so in a different way to most schools: they do so virtually.

315 Clarendon Street


Executive Principal: Fiona Webster

Assistant Principal – Student Engagement and Wellbeing: Malcolm McIver

Assistant Principal - Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting: Patricia O'Hara

Assistant Principal - Virtual Teaching, Learning and Collaboration: Martin Jorgensen

Assistant Principal - Human Resources: Terri Runciman

Phone: 03 8480 0000


Victorian School of Languages


The Victorian School of Languages (VSL) is a Department of Education distance education school, which provides language programs for students from Year 6 to 12. Students from both government and non-government schools may enrol to study a language course not available to them at their home school. Non-school based students are also able to enrol.


The VSL offers 12 languages via distance education;these are Arabic, Chinese, Classical Greek, French, German, Greek, Hindi,Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Latin and Spanish. Courses are delivered online via an interactive app and are supported with written materials, telephone or video conferencing, Skype and email. There are also seminars, held in a central location, where students can meet with other students and the teachers to undertake whole day intensive programs. Students are also supported in their learning by a supervisor at their home school.


For school based students, applications for enrolment must be made by the home school on behalf of the student. Non-school based students may be enrolled by a parent/guardian. The guidelines for enrolment maybe viewed on the school website.

Postal Address

PO Box 1172


Phone: 03 9474 0500

