AADES Awards Nominations

It's awards time again. Every two years AADES presents a range of awards recognising excellence in distance education at its biennial conference.

AADES is now calling for nominations for the awards to be presented at the upcoming conference.

Please consider colleagues in your jurisdictions who have made outstanding contributions to distance education over the past two years. Details of the various awards are below.

AADES Awards  

Recognising Excellence in Distance Education


Categories of Awards for 2019
  • Gold Medal
  • Project Achievement Award
  • Teaching Excellence Award
  • Presidential Citation

Closing Date:  10th April 2019


Presentation of all Awards will take place at the 2019 AADES International Conference


AADES Gold Medal

This is AADES’ most distinguished award, presented every two years to a distance educator whose contribution to school level distance education is assessed as most outstanding throughout Australasia.

Guidelines for Selection

  • Only quite outstanding contributions to distance education in the school sector throughout Australasia will be considered.
  • The contribution need not necessarily involve a particular contribution to AADES but will be consistent with AADES’ vision and goals.
  • The award may be given to anyone working in distance education schools or support organisations for distance education schools in Australasia.
  • A nominee must have been working in distance education (school or sector) for a minimum of three years.  No more than two years may have elapsed since the nominee has worked in distance education.

Selection Panel

 To be appointed by the AADES President.


The Presidential Citation for Outstanding Service to AADES

 This award is to be given to those who in the opinion of the President, and their colleagues, have made an outstanding recent contribution to AADES.

Guidelines for Selection

  • Only quite outstanding contributions to AADES (Australasian Association of Distance Education Schools) will be considered.
  • Where in the opinion of the AADES President and/or selection panel no nominee meets the selection guidelines in any given year no Presidential Citation will be awarded in that year.
  • The award may be given to an individual who has been a member of AADES for a minimum of three years and contributed significantly to AADES at a State/National or Australasian level.

To be considered for a Presidential Citation the nominee must have made a significant contribution to:

  • furthering the goals of AADES.
  • advancing AADES’ organisational development.

No more than two years may have elapsed since the nominee has been a member of AADES.  The citation must be endorsed by the AADES President to be presented.

Selection Panel

To be appointed by the AADES President.

AADES Project Award

This award is presented every two years to a school,chapter or support organisation which has been judged to have developed a project or program that has been outstanding in providing improved educational opportunities for distance education students at a school level.

Guidelines for Selection

  • A school or support organisation needs to be members of AADES and must have completed a project that has provided improved educational opportunities for distance education students at a school level.
  • Identifiable improved student outcomes will be considered as a high criterion in the selection process for the award.
  • The project must be either ongoing or, no more than two years have elapsed since the project concluded.
  • This award is only awarded to a school, chapter or support organisation.  Individuals are not eligible for nomination.

 Selection Panel

 To be appointed by the AADES President.


AADES Teaching Excellence Award

This award recognises an exemplary classroom practitioner who displays outstanding school based leadership.

Guidelines for Selection

  • Only quite outstanding distance education teachers in distance education schools throughout Australasia will be considered.
  • A nominee must have been working in distance education (school sector) as a practicing teacher, for a minimum of three years and must have been a class teacher in the year of nomination.
  • A nominee must have demonstrated leadership in a specific area demonstrating leadership of peers such as:

-    curriculum development

-    effective teaching and learning practices

-    leadership of colleagues

 The nomination must be co-verified by a group of peers and the nominee’s supervisor.

Selection Panel

To be appointed by the AADES President.


Nominations for any awards must be made by:

  • an AADES Member (verified by President and Secretary); or
  • three (3) financial members of AADES (all to sign); or
  • the AADES President.

The nomination cover sheet can be downloaded here and must accompany each award nomination. Nominations should be emailed to the AADES President Jeane Schocroft jeane.schocroft@openaccess.edu.au

Documentation to be submitted with nomination:

  • Nomination cover sheet
  • A single page resume /CV (for individual nominations)
  • A single page profile of school / chapter/ organisation (for Project Achievement Award)
  • No more than two A4 pages providing a summary of the key evidence supporting the nomination.
  • A testimonial of no more than a single page provided by someone other than a nominator or referee.
  • Two referees who have not nominated the nominee or provided the testimonial.

Nominations for 2019 Awards close on Wednesday 10th April 2019 and will be awarded at the AADES Conference to be held in Hobart from the 2nd to 3rd of May 2019.


All teaching staff in schools that are institutional members are regarded as being financial members of AADES