Our Biennial Conference is being held in Hobart from 2-3 May.
The program (to be released shortly) is looking full and exciting with workshop contributions from every jurisdiction across Australia and New Zealand. Make sure your school is tapping into this opportunity to share in the journeys and discoveries of our distance education community.
There are two main ways to register and pay.
1. Go to the Conference Registration Page: https://cgscholar.com/cg_event/events/Q19/registration_options Once
2. If you qualify for an early bird discount (you will have been sent a voucher) – please scroll down to select this option:
3. Click on the ‘request’ button and it will ask you to upload your coupon.
4. You will be emailed within 24-48 hours to confirm whether you request has been approved – and you will then be able to register at the early bird rate of $425 USD.
5. If you do not have a coupon you can instead register for the option of Full Conference Registration - Regular
6. Then click continue at the bottom with the checkout basket symbol
7. You can then pay by credit card, check or bank transfer
1. Complete the Group Registration Form
2. Make payment using information here: https://cgnetworks.org/support/ways-to-provide-payment
3. Send the group form to accounts@cgnetworks.org along with a bank transfer receipt
If anyone has any further questions about registration or individual or group payments they can contact Tamsyn Gilbert for assistance.