AADES supports member schools to connect and learn with and from each other, to explore latest research, and to develop innovative thinking and practice. Nowhere was this more evident than in the two days the AADES Executive Team recently spent together from Thursday 23-Friday 24 March. The summit was hosted by Virtual School Victoria. We are grateful to Principal Fiona Webster and outgoing AADES Secretary Mal McIver for the warmth of their welcome and their hospitality.
The two days included time for several in-depth round table discussions, attendance at the latest AADES webinar, our AGM, a full day of facilitated strategic review and planning, and our regular AADES Council meeting.
Round table discussions
The first round table discussion focused on a hot topic for all in education – chatGPT and other generative AI technologies. Discussion was wide-ranging and covered the direction provided by authorising bodies in each jurisdiction, strategies our member schools are applying to manage the use and/or banning of chatGPT as relevant, opportunities identified to date in relation to learning, and assessment for and of learning, the potential impact of chatGPT on equity in education, the importance of relationships and really knowing our students in the age of chatGPT and other generative AI technologies, and approaches to risk mitigation.
The following resources may be useful to prompt further discussion in your schools:
The next round table focused on Supporting Student Mental Health and the wellbeing models in place across AADES schools. This opportunity to share,sense-make, and learn with and from each other was invaluable.
Useful resources for you to explore:
Jocelyn Brewer, psychologist and cyberpsychology researcher, presented an informative and thought-provoking webinar on (Digital) Wellbeing in the (virtual) classroom and beyond: understanding and managing our use of technology for leisure and learning. This was attended by around 55 representatives from AADES member schools, including the AADES Executive Team. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide a link to the webinar on this occasion.
For those interested, Jocelyn Brewer’s Design Your Family Tech-Use Agreement course can be purchased here for $39 ($20 off usual price).
Jocelyn also offers a signature parent webinar called UntanglingTeens From Tech. Further details here.
Additional resources:
President Jeane Schocroft’s report on activity over the last year was accompanied by a handy one-page infographic. The President's Report can be accessed here.
AADES continues to be in a healthy position financially as we head into planning for another busy year.
We acknowledged the contribution of Tundie Jones over many years, latterly as Treasurer. Mike Hollings was also farewelled as the longest-standing member of the AADES Executive Team. Mike is leaving Te Kura in July 2023 after 15 years as Chief Executive. We wish both Tundie and Mike all the best for whatever the future may bring.
Current office holders and jurisdiction representatives were warmly thanked for their contribution to the effective operation of AADES in 2022/2023 ahead of the election of new office bearers.
2023/2024 office holders:
Jurisdiction representatives:
Strategic Planning Workshop
The AADES Executive Team Strategic Planning Workshop was facilitated by Katrina Reynan. Within the space of the day we clarified our shared purpose and vision, established strategic priorities, and began work on action planning for the next three to five years. There is follow-up work to be done, and we look forward to sharing the outcomes of this collaborative planning session with you.
AADES biennial conference update
Justine Daly and Zoe Schaffert provided feedback on planning for next year’s conference, which is well in hand. The conference will be held in Western Australia, and we look forward to providing further detail on venue, dates,theme and keynote speakers in due course.
Anne Coster (AADES Secretary 2023)